Blue Dog Art & Design

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Well here I am Again

I still have no idea what I am doing. I can't even figure out how to post a photo to my profile, but I'm working on that. I also can't seem to get the blog link to show up in my profile, so I'm sure that no one can even get here anyway.

This week I am doing the mommy thing on my own. The kiddos have been good so far, aside from a marker incident yesterday. Thank goodness for Crayola Washable Markers.

The other major incident of yesterday was the failure of our TiVo remote. I almost had a heart attack. Two phone calls to the TiVo people and it is sort of working again in a "the batteries seem to be going dead" sort of way. So it is band-aided and I have to call DirecTV for a replacement for the now only malfunctioning remote. Don't get me started on the TV that mysteriously quit working while we had a babysitter two weeks ago that will cost over $200. to fix. To think I thought the babysitter was undercharging us for our night out.


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