Blue Dog Art & Design

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

The Crap That I Deal With on a Daily Basis

So the vacation is SO far gone...

I work in a very small office---ten people. There are only five of us here in the office this week. One is my boss, one keeps pretty much to herself, the other two are driving me nuts. I'll refer to the two as "the brain trust". The first half of the brain trust, "F.I", has minimal functioning brain cells and can't make a decision for herself. I have dealt with her WAY more than necessary today. The other half of the "brain trust" I'll call her "P.A." is in some kind of war with our boss and I keep getting caught in the middle of it. For some reason unknown to me, P.A. isn't speaking to the boss. He tells me one thing, she wants another. He signs my paycheck, she is not pleased with me. Today the boss decided to discontinue using the Pur water filter on the faucet in the kitchen. "The Brain Trust" is freaking out and are again not happy with me because I don't usually drink the water so I don't care that he yanked the filter. Whatever. Petty crap that I don't have time to waste thinking about. Oh the best part... F.I. sits in the "cube" next to me...she types with her fingernails and reads under her breath as she types and reads her e-mail. Will someone please just stick a pencil in my eye?


  • Oh. My. GOD!!! I hate when adults do that reading under their breath thing like 8 year olds. I always wonder how they got through school without being able to read SILENTLY!! How did they take the SAT while reading pretty much out loud?! UGH!!

    About the nails...well, I have long nails and I always know it's time to go have a manicure when it's too hard to use the pads of my fingers to type. I can't stand the sound of my own nails on the keys, so I certainly can't stand the sound of someone else's doing it.

    I work for myself. It's just easier. I always ended up working for people who had a maximum of like 3 brain cells, one of which was on its way out of town and the other two weren't speaking to each other. Now if I hate my boss, it's my own fault, lol.

    By Blogger Jaded, at August 25, 2005 9:59 AM  

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