Blue Dog Art & Design

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Today I'm Confused

I drove by the young girl again today. She was wearing only the black sweatshirt. She was sitting on a cement block with the sweatshirt pulled down over her knees and her hands tucked into the sleeves. The coat, gloves, scarf, and hat were no where to be seen. I'm at a loss. Did someone take them from her? Her problems are obviously deeper than not having a warm coat. My friend's co-worker is the one who took the coat, etc. outside to her. The girl doesn't know that I had anything to do with the coat, etc. Should I pull over and try to talk to her? Would that freak her out? Do I call the school system and hope that they know who gets a bus on that corner? We still don't know for sure that she comes from the shelter. Do I call social services? Should I just let it go? I ask you, my cyber friends, for your thoughts.


  • That coat could have gone many different places: best case, she forgot it or someone stole it. Worst case, she sold it. I don't know how you deal with that because you never know if her parents saw her in the coat and got angry -- or if her parents are even around. I wish I could give you suggestions, but maybe the best thing to do is tell her you work close by and see her every day sitting there cold and wonder if she needs help.

    By Blogger cs, at December 20, 2005 11:18 AM  

  • This worries me. I wondered if someone would steal the coat or if her parents would yell and say something like she didn't need the coat...

    Oh. This is awful.

    By Blogger m.a., at December 20, 2005 12:33 PM  

  • mass-I have thought about pulling over, but have been afraid of scaring her.

    MA-I know. It worries me too. I hope that we didn't make things worse for her.

    Maybe I'll try to get there earlier tomorrow and stop. I missed her yesterday at 8:20, so the bus must literally come right after I drive past.

    I keep thinking of all with which I have been blessed and worry that this young girl just has nothing. Is she lost in the system? Will she have a Christmas? Thank you both for your comments.

    By Blogger Blue Dog Art, at December 20, 2005 3:25 PM  

  • You did what you felt you needed to do and provided a young girl with something she appeared to truly need. The possibility does exist, however, that her parent or guardian has told her over and over to wear her coat to school, but she chooses not to. She is, after all, a kid and kids apparently know everything. At least I did when I was a kid. You also run the risk of offending the child and her family because they may think you assume she's poor just because of the clothes she wears or the color of her skin.

    In any case, you saw a child whom you felt was in need and did something to meet that need. I don't know that there's any more you can do without knowing for certain what her family situation is and where she lives. Charity isn't charity any longer when you try to force people to accept it for their own good. While it may be a slim chance, there is still a chance that she doesn't need it.

    The system is a tricky thing. Having been both a foster parent and an advocate for at-risk youth, the only thing I can say about the system is that it sucks. Big. It may be a more beneficial thing for you to donate winter clothing items to a local church or shelter. They will then give it to people who not only need it, but want it.

    Just my opinion.

    By Blogger Jaded, at December 21, 2005 7:21 PM  

  • Everyone before me has laid out the potential scenarios. I would not approach the girl. You can call District of Columbia Child Protective Services of the Child and Family Services Agency at (202) 671-7233, and see what they can do or recommend. It is a law that if something is reported involving a child, it must be investigated, no matter what the circumstances.

    By Blogger Washington Cube, at December 23, 2005 10:52 AM  

  • Merry Christmas, Blue Dog.

    By Blogger Washington Cube, at December 25, 2005 10:48 AM  

  • As washington cube said, your options have been laid out before me. I would urge you to contact Child Protective Services though - and commend you for your desire to help.

    By Blogger erl, at December 26, 2005 3:43 PM  

  • Last week, I only saw her one day and I'm off work until Jan. 6th. If I do anything further it will be to call the City of Alexandria and let them handle the situation. Thank you all for your comments.

    By Blogger Blue Dog Art, at December 27, 2005 12:49 PM  

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