Blue Dog Art & Design

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

How Would You Answer?

Yesterday I received a survey from a graphic design publication to which I subscribe and I thought I'd share a few of the more interesting questions and see how you would answer the same questions. Have a look and let me know your answers. I'll post my answers tomorrow.

What is the best logo/identity of the past 40 years?


What is the best advertising campaign of the past 40 years?


What is the best package design of the past 40 years?

Best CD or album cover of the past 40 years?

What is the best movie title of the past 40 years?

What technological innovation can you not live without?

What hardware or software can you not live without?

What is your favorite website?

Who is your favorite Author?

Favorite Band?

Favorite Pop Icon?

How many hours is your average workday?

What is your favorite thing to do outside of work?


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