Blue Dog Art & Design

Thursday, November 17, 2005

The Answers

OK, well, I got a whopping zero comments on my little survey, but I guess I'll answer the questions as promised:

What is the best logo/identity of the past 40 years?
Nike--simple yet timeless and completely recognizable

Too many to single out just one bad logo.

What is the best advertising campaign of the past 40 years?
Eat N' Park, a restaurant chain in Western Pennsylvania has a Christmas commercial that I have always loved. It's not really a campaign, but the ad has stayed with me over the years. (In answering the next part I remembered the Budweiser Toad commercials and that campaign was really good.)

Budweiser's "Real Men of Genius" campaign. That has got to be one of the dumbest campaigns ever.

What is the best package design of the past 40 years?
I know this is kind of hokie, but I have to go with the plastic containers for L'Eggs pantyhose.

Best CD or album cover of the past 40 years?
Too hard to pick just one: Styx-Paradise Theater; Journey-Escape; Led Zeppelin-Houses of the Holy; David Bowie-Best of Bowie--This cover takes photos of Bowie's face at all phases of his career and combines them all together in a collage to form one portrait. To me that is great design for a "Best of..." album.

What is the best movie title of the past 40 years?
Again, hard to pick just one: Band of Brothers comes to mind. The roughness of the type really conveys the roughness of the film.

What technological innovation can you not live without?
Cell phone

What hardware or software can you not live without?
Adobe InDesign

What is your favorite website?
I know this is kind of cheesy, but I still love They have everything. Their customer service sucks and they kill you on the shipping anymore.

Who is your favorite Author?
I don't think I have a favorite anymore. There are too many to name and with little kids I just can't stay awake to read much lately.

Favorite Band?

Favorite Pop Icon?
Madonna--I know, but I admire her sense of business and discipline to succeed. And we share a birthday--she's older than me.

How many hours is your average workday?
8 hours (Generally unheard of in my profession--I have a really good gig.)

What is your favorite thing to do outside of work?
Spend time with my family and design/make jewelry.


  • To be honest, I don't pay much attention to stuff like that. I don't know what the best album cover is, or the best movie title. I think the worst ad campaign is the creepy Burger King dude showing up in people's beds or behind trees. That guy freaks me out. Oh, and I HATE the little old guy who does the Six Flags Great Adventure ads, even though it's really a woman in make-up. Freaks me out too.

    Can't live without my computer.

    Favorite website...Google. It's not really a site, but it can get you pretty much anywhere you wanna go.

    Author: Patricia Cornwell, Stephen King, F. Scott Fitzgerald

    Band: matchbox 20, and INXS

    Pop Icon: Pamela Anderson...she doesn't pretend to be anything other than a bimbo, yet she's made a fortune doing it.

    Hours per work day: 3 or 4. Yep, I work part time, in my home, and make $60 an hour. Works for me.

    Stuff I like to do: spend time with the family, read, crafts, cook

    By Blogger Jaded, at November 18, 2005 10:29 AM  

  • I laughed so hard at remembering the L'Eggs. Whenever I was in the grocery store, I hoped that my mom would buy a pair. I was usually disappointed.

    By Blogger m.a., at November 18, 2005 3:59 PM  

  • Jaded-Good point on the computer. I might trade my cell for a computer.

    MA-You can put all kinds of stuff in those big plastic eggs. They were great!

    By Blogger Blue Dog Art, at November 21, 2005 9:23 AM  

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