Blue Dog Art & Design

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Weekend Reflections

1. The weather here in Washington, DC was absolutely fantastic this weekend. Our crocuses and irises are in full bloom. We were outside almost the whole weekend. We got a bunch of yardwork done and washed my car, which sorely need it.

2. I'm SO ready for daylight savings time to start. The sun is up at 6 a.m. and so are my kids. They are way more likely to stay in bed when it is dark. The earlier it gets light out, the earlier they get up. 6:20 a.m. Saturday morning and 6:38 Sunday morning.

3. Potty training SUCKS on many levels, but our little one did much better this time around. Less accidents and he really tried hard. My hands are dry from washing them a million times first from helping him potty and then from rinsing out the big thick training underwear. His incentive to stay dry is big boy underwear with the Madagascar characters on them. (Sidebar: The movie Madagascar is freakin' hilarious even if you aren't two years old.) When I get desperate to get him to poop in the potty, the incentive ups to candy for breakfast, which may or may not actually work.

4. There is nothing better than watching my kids and husband running around in the yard playing baseball and soccer. It is so amazing to see my husband teach them to catch and hit the ball. We also started a new round of swimming lessons. This session is the two-year-old's first lesson. The toddler & me class is first followed by the pre-school and me class. This allows the parents to work with their children in the pool. Hubby and I tag-teamed. Next week will prove to be interesting as hubby is timing a canoe race and I have had to recruit a friend to help. Impossible for me to be in the pool with one and keep the other from getting into trouble.

5. Only an hour and a half until Grey's Anatomy. I know, it's sickening and pathetic, but I love this show and it wasn't on last week because the Oscars were televised instead. If you watch the show regularly you understand the addiction. I don't even wait to watch it on TiVo. I have to watch it right when it starts, commercials and all. Again, sick and pathetic.

I hope you all had as good of a weekend as we did at the Blue Dog House!


  • Sounds like you are doing well--even with all of the potty training woes.

    By Blogger m.a., at March 13, 2006 9:14 AM  

  • Sounds like a fun weekend. We had a fun one here, too...I haven't yet had the chance to post about it.

    There's a website called and they sell these little things called PODS. They're like little Poise pads for kids. You can put them in regular underwear, and they'll absorb the urine so there isn't a mess, but they let the kiddies feel that they're wet.

    We watch Madagascar about 10 times a week. It's Jadette's favorite, and her birthday party will be the Madagascar theme. We took her to see it in the theatre last summer. It was her first big girl movie, and she was so cute... the theatre has a kids tray with some popcorn, a drink, and some candy that sits on their laps. She was so proud of herself.

    By Blogger Jaded, at March 13, 2006 8:15 PM  

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