
So, let's say, hypothetically of course, I found out about a pretty bad act of insubordination against my hypothetical boss. Bad enough that I may have lost hypothetical sleep over it. Let's say the information came from a third party who asked that I not say anything. Let's say hypothetically it involves the Brain Trust. The boss returns hypothetically to the office from Florida on Wednesday. What should I do? Hypothetically of course.
*Google search for "hypothetical" and "insubordinate" related images yielded nothing so you get a completely unrelated photo of the necklace I'm wearing today.
Ouch. Is there anyway you can report this hypothetical information without shining a glaring hypothetical spotlight on your hypothetical source? Maybe you can talk to your h.s. and tell him/her that you are uncomfortable knowing this and keeping your mouth shut ~ or would be if this situation wasn't hypothetical.
I have always found it deeply unfair to confidants to ask them to remain anonymous in difficult situations. But that's just me.
'Course all this and a buck fifty gets you a hypothetical cup of coffee.
BostonPobble, at May 22, 2006 3:50 PM
These hypotheticals are great because you can justify any course of action: if you say nothing, you're protecting your source and keeping your promise. If you rat out the alleged insubordinator, then you're showing loyalty to the boss and by extension the company. Of course, in both cases you can also be held for disloyalty to one party or another.
If I didn't like the miscreant and thought I could maybe bring it to light without a trail back to the source or my own leaking...I might just consider it a good deed. It seems knowledge of it already is disturbing your (hypothetical) sleep.
cs, at May 22, 2006 10:20 PM
Oooh. That's a tough one. I don't know what to say, but the necklace is beautiful.
m.a., at May 23, 2006 11:27 AM
Your necklace is pretty. And this is an excellent parallel to Dr. Bailey's question to Dr. Webber in the Grey's Anatomy finale!
But I'm sorry that you're in a tough spot. Is there any way to tell without angering everyone?
mysterygirl!, at May 23, 2006 12:50 PM
Hypothetical or not, it still sucks, huh?
I keep meaning to call you but by the time my day winds down and I realize that I need to call you, it's like 10 at night and too late to call anyone with children. I suck too, I realize. I absolutely apologize.
I need your address again so I can send you some money though. Sheesh.
Jaded, at May 24, 2006 2:59 PM
Pobble: H.S. and I chatted. See new post. Hypothetically of course.
Cuff: It worked out and I feel better without being the actual "rat".
M.A.: Thanks. I'm glad you liked it.
MG!: How can I be so obsessed with the show and not remember the question? I'm going to have to do research now. Crap!
Jaded: 10 is not too late to call me. I'll try to call you.
Blue Dog Art, at May 25, 2006 11:41 AM
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