Blue Dog Art & Design

Monday, May 15, 2006

Miscellaneous Monday

1. Did anyone see "Grey's Anatomy" last night? Holy crap! Anyone want to take a guess at who will survive through to next season? All I have to say is that Bushie better make his little immigration speech short and quick so that it doesn't run past nine into the second part 2-hour "Grey's Anatomy" finale tonight. (yes, shallow I know...) I'm thinking if he goes past nine his ratings will drop even further from the "Grey's Anatomy" viewers as well as those that watch "24".

2. I'm leaving for Orlando tomorrow morning. We have a conference at Disney starting Thursday and I have to fly down for some mandatory "staff event" on Wednesday. Normally, I do not get to go to our conference, but since it is at Disney the boss has decided to fly all of us down pre-conference. Yeah, a team building thing. (read dripping with sarcasm). So I don't actually get to stay for the conference (I fly home Thursday), but I do get to stay in a nice hotel for two nights and a co-worker (one who shares my disdain with the brain trust) and I are headed to the House of Blues Wednesday night, so hopefully it won't be so bad. The goal is to avoid the intolerable co-workers as much as possible and enjoy some time to myself, which I rarely get anymore.

3. My Mother's Day was great! My boys both made me beautiful keepsakes and brought me flowers. This was the first year that my oldest was into Mother's Day and all by himself, he asked his daddy to take him to the grocery store so that he could get some flowers to hold behind his back and surprise me with them. How cute is that? We had a nice breakfast of French Toast and later they took me out for dinner. Very nice.

4. I spent some time last night downloading the pilot episode of "Lost" since I've never seen it. My intention was to have it on the iPod for the trip to Florida. Later last night I decided it might not be such a good idea to watch the pilot while I'm actually on an airplane. Yeah, maybe not. Oh and by the way, it took two hours to download one episode. I have Verizon Fios, which is supposed to be super fast. At that rate I might only have time to download the second part of the pilot tonight. I need to download the first five episodes since it took me a few weeks to get sucked into the show last year.

5. I really do have more of a life than TV. I strung a new necklace last night, but did not remember to bring it in today to scan.

6. Have a good week.


  • I couldn't handle Grey's Anatomy. It made me so nervous. If Preston dies, I'm done with the show.

    By Blogger m.a., at May 15, 2006 5:03 PM  

  • Have fun in my hometown! Well, Disney, which is south of my hometown, but still.

    By Blogger Maki, at May 15, 2006 10:40 PM  

  • So what did you think about part two of Grey's?

    By Blogger mysterygirl!, at May 16, 2006 10:35 PM  

  • M.A.-I assume you are still in with the show?

    Maki-I did have a good time. The Downtown Disney area was fun. Orlando airport, however, was a nightmare coming home Thursday. What gives? LONG lines everywhere. It was easier to get through security here in DC than it was in Orlando. Thanks again for your advice.

    MG!-I liked it. It ended in such a way that I think I'll be able to make it through the summer to new episodes in the fall. (I did save both episodes on TiVo though). I (c'mon all of us) knew Denny wasn't going to make it. I have no clue what's going to happen with Izzy as a result. I, along with MA, was going to be ticked if they killed off Burke. I think regardless of the outcome of Meredith's choice, Addison knows that it is over with her and Derrick. Addison SO knows that he's still in love with Meredith and is only going through the motions with her to "do the right thing". Hmm...are you glad you asked? Long comment...should have probably made that a blog post instead.

    By Blogger Blue Dog Art, at May 19, 2006 11:48 AM  

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