Blue Dog Art & Design

Monday, June 05, 2006

I Do Not Have A Good Title Today

Sorry for being MIA again. A coworker went into the hospital last Tuesday after having a series of heart attacks. Yes, this is actually a coworker that I like and we usually have lunch together every day. He’s doing okay, but is still in the hospital while they figure out the best course of treatment, which may or may not involve bypass surgery. So, the news threw me for a bit of a loop.

The brain trust has been drilling me for information about the coworker and I’ve had to fend them off quite a bit as well. I’ve been trying to kick out work quickly so that I can stop by the hospital here and there as much as possible. He and his wife have kids my age but they live far away and do not have any family in this area.

So what’s new with you?

I made two new necklaces over the weekend. One is pictured above. *

We mostly hung around the house and did yard work over the weekend. We joined the neighborhood pool for the summer, but only made it to the family barbeque on Sunday night. We spent a fair amount of time yesterday trying to move a couple of azaleas that had grown too big for where they are planted. After much digging and tugging they weren’t budging. We sat the boys safely on the front step and backed my car up and tied a rope around the bush to try to pull it out with the car. After much entertainment to the kids and breaking the rope not once, but twice, we gave up trying to pull them out and just hacked them back into submission.

This week stands to be pretty busy. We have a wedding Thursday night along with a pre-wedding party on Wednesday night. I’m taking Friday off and then this weekend, we are having a birthday party for my youngest son. That reminds me, I have to order a cake!

I might just be MIA again this week. Things should settle down by next week.

Gotta go!

*Blogger for whatever reason will not upload my photo so in the interest of getting this posted, I'll have to try to get a picture up later.


  • I hope that your friend gets well soon, BDA. How worrisome.

    By Blogger m.a., at June 06, 2006 9:14 AM  

  • Best wishes for your friend and happy birthday to your son. We're having a birthday party this weekend for our son as well.

    By Blogger cs, at June 08, 2006 8:21 AM  

  • M.A.-He was released from the hospital on Wed. and should return to work on Monday. Surgery is still on the table though.

    Cuff-Thank you and Happy Birthday to your son too!

    By Blogger Blue Dog Art, at June 08, 2006 9:34 AM  

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