Blue Dog Art & Design

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Random Thoughts on a Tuesday*

1. Do not scan an inkjet print of a photo and expect me to reproduce it in a magazine with any amount of quality.

2. No matter how hot it is outside, please do not think that it is acceptable to appear anywhere in public without a shirt. This includes driving in your car.

3. If you are a member of the brain trust, please do not compliment my new super cute shoes. I will begin to question my style in shoes.

4. For God’s sake, please put sunscreen on your child before spending the entire day at the pool.

5. There are CDs that I used to live and die by that I’m just not interested in listening to anymore.

6. My husband is AWESOME! He helped me hand paint a sign I volunteered to create for a friend’s wedding.

7. Please do not wear a long dangly charm bracelet and bang it on your desk all day—it might annoy the person who has the misfortune to sit in the next cube over from you.

8. Please do not outbid me literally at the last possible second on Ebay. It’s just not nice and I had my heart set on that rockin’ piece of glass.

10. Please do not forward an e-mail to me that is embedded in 10 e-mails especially if it is a “funny” photo of a man’s naked ass and you are sending it to my work e-mail address. Nasty!

11. How effed-up do you obviously have to be to manage this and then try to get away on a bus?

12. Adobe Software: You have officially designed your Web site to be completely useless to me.

13. If someone is nice enough to send you a baby gift from across the country it is common courtesy to send a thank you note.

14. Please take a walk with me on a beautiful day to get a cookie.

15. I'm listening to this today. Check it out if you have time.

* In no particular order.


  • You had an interesting day, huh? Some people deserve to be slapped. Hard. I'll let you decide which ones I mean. ;)

    By Blogger BostonPobble, at May 30, 2006 11:18 PM  

  • The sunscreen is important for everyone. Right on!

    It is a good day to take a walk for a cookie.

    By Blogger m.a., at May 31, 2006 10:06 AM  

  • I'd walk a mile for a cookie. Chocolate chip cookie, anyway.

    I have had the old last second outbid on ebay happen to me too many times. It's very depressing.

    By Blogger cs, at May 31, 2006 11:35 AM  

  • That inkjet one burns me every single time. That and people who hear that their digital photos need to be 300 dpi. So they take their 640x480 photo and simply change the dpi to 300. And people wonder why I grind my teeth at night...

    By Blogger Maki, at May 31, 2006 2:45 PM  

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